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Page history last edited by Melanie Reed 11 years, 8 months ago


Main categories
Art  Visual art, painting, drawing, architecture, print making, photography, film, video, dance, theater, sculpture, art history, art review, and criticism.  Femme Flick, Art Police, Red Step-child
Comics All kinds of comics! (No DC or Marvel). Comics, compilations, zines, and journals devoted to comics criticism and reporting. Naughty Bits, Hate Daydreamer, Optic Nerve, King Kat
DIY Guides for doing anything and everything by yourself; gardening, activism, home improvement, craft, etc. Bummers and Gummers, Seattle DIY, Craft Leftovers, DIY Guide
Education Alternative schooling, curriculum development, educational materials, and parenting at all stages of life. Drop Out, The Edgy-catin' Mama

Food & Drink 

Diet & nutrition, vegan & vegetarianism, alcohol, and much more.  Food Geek, Barefoot in the Kitchen, Zen and the Art of Brownie Baking, Beer Zine
Foreign Language  Zines written in foreign languages other than English about all topics.  NJAM, Free Choice
History  Analysis, essays, personal accounts, and other musings about past eras and/or specific events.   Journal of Unconventional History, I Fought the Apeman of Mt. St. Helens, Brass Tacks
Humor  Satire and spoofs of all sorts.  Murder Can Be Fun, Kurt Cobain Was Lactose Intolerant
Literature  Poetry and prose fiction by single authors or multi-authored collections.  Farm Pulp, Harness, Drivers Side Airbag
Mind & Body  Physical and mental health, body image, alternative medicine, home remedies, drugs, and illness.  Guinea Pig Zero, Fat/So?, Pills A Go-Go
Miscellaneous  An ambiguous section, with a wide variety of subjects, styles, and formats. A grab bag, if you will.  Sink Full of Dishes, Throwrug
Music  Fanzines covering all music genres, record and show reviews, rants and raves, etc.  Maximum Rock'n'Roll, 10 Things, Caught in Flux, Pop Lust, Tape Op, Flipside
People & Society Zines that examine society and social groups at a broader level than personal zines, which mostly consist of an individual's reflections on their personal experiences. This category contains zines about the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, etc.) and zines about subcultures (i.e., punks, hippies, Goths, etc.) The Duplex Planet, Hey, 4-Eyes!
Personal  Thoughts, opinions, musings, and recordings of daily existence. Written in various formats. Much of the content can fit into other categories in our collection (race, women, queer, etc.). Doris, Cometbus, Brainscan, Urban Hermit, Greenzine
Politics  Commentary and discussion on current political trends and events, primers and political movements.  Anarchy, Earth First!, Lip, The Match, Bear Deluxe
Pop Culture  Exploration of the many facets of pop culture, such as television, celebrities, subcultures, Americans, etc.  Giant Robot, Beerframe, Read
Queer & Trans  Zines for and about queer & trans folks, dealing with everything from personal narratives to politics.  Teen Fag, Holy Titclamps, A Young Males Guide to...
Race & Ethnicity  Personal writing, politics, culture exposes dealing with issues of color concepts and various ethnicities.  Giant, Bamboo Girl, .45 Kaliber Proof, Oriental Whatever
Reference  Catalogs, bibliographies, zine review zines, and guides to making zines. Factsheet Five, Zine World
Religion & Sprituality  All things spiritual, including major religions, as well as Wicca/Paganism and atheism.  Behutet, The Mad Farmers' Jubilee Almanac, Gnosis
Science  Essays and explorations of natural science, including physics, math, biology, chemistry, computers and technology, etc.  Cascadia Salmon, Human Evolution, Journal of Irreproducible Results
Scifi & Fantasy  Where the term zine originated! Fanzines on scifi & fantasy movies, literature and games.  Galaxy, Aberration, It Was All a Dream
Sex  Erotica writing, pornography, S&M, and zines about other sexual activities.  Taste of Latex, Porn Free, Dirty Laundry
Sports & Leisure  Team and solo sports, including skateboarding, hiking, urban adventuring, video games, and other pastimes.  Multiball, Pool Dust, Kickstand, Infiltration
Travel  Travel essays, diaries, guidebooks, and maps. Everything from hitchhiking to exchange programs.  The Glovebox Chronicles, Topozine, You Come Too, Evasion, Off the Map
Women  Zines by, for, and about women of all orientations, classes and colors.  Jigsaw, Verboslammed, RiotGrrrl
Work  Zines that dutifully expose the details of the working life and all of its highs and lows.  Dishwasher, Temp Slave, Xtra Tuff
Other categories 




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